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Closed for Christmas from December 23 to January 1.

Nordic Metal Trade AB was founded in the autumn of 2009.

The company's business primarily involves the sale of steel products, primarily flat products. We have extensive experience in the industry, which has resulted in many valuable contacts on both the customer and supplier sides, which, of course, is a prerequisite for our success in our efforts to provide the market with a high level of service.

Present time

NORDMET – Size Doesn't Matter! Nothing is too small, nothing is too big. We primarily supply Hot Rolled Sheet, Cold Rolled Sheet, Heavy Plate, and Thick Slabs, but everything within steel products is fully possible – Stainless, alloyed, and more, and more. Examples of our strengths include structural steel, pressure vessel steel, high-strength plate, and wear-resistant plate.

We deliver sheet metal up to 2500mm in width, up to 20mm in thickness – in lengths that the customer can choose! NORDMET also provides gas, plasma, laser, and water-cut details, as well as bent profiles. Examples of other services include cutting, welding, blasting, painting, machining, and more.

Future and Goals

  • We will continue to provide our customers with professional service.
  • We will continue to provide our customers with personalized service.
  • We will continue to cultivate our strong relationships with customers and suppliers.
  • We will continue to expand our portfolio.
  • We will always strive to provide the customer with added value in their interaction with us.